Sail Canada believes everyone involved in any role in the sport of sailing has the right to participate in a safe and inclusive sailing environment free of abuse, harassment, or discrimination – collectively referred to as maltreatment. This right to fully enjoy the sport applies to everyone regardless of the level or type of sailing they participate in.

As such Sail Canada is committed to active evolution of their Safe Sport policies and practices to respond to the changing nature of Safe Sport in Canada and continually working to support a focus on education, prevention, and response.

Please see below our Safe Sport Policies package as well as the supporting resources to learn more about how Sail Canada is working to support ensuring a culture of safe sport in our organization and in turn in sailing in Canada and how you can play a role.


Reporting is critical in creating and maintaining a safe environment for sailing participants. Independent third-party complaints management is a directive of Canada’s Safe Sport Movement, driven Sport Canada.

Abuse-Free Sport Helpline
The Abuse-Free Sport Helpline, funded by the Government of Canada, is a confidential listening and referral service monitored by live operators from 8 am to 8 pm Eastern time, 7 days a week. Users will have a choice of communicating via a toll-free phone line, email, text, or live chat, in the official language of their choice.

The helpline is 1-888-83-SPORT |

Situations involving a member of Sail Canada (Staff, volunteers, athletes) or any registered Coach/Instructor or Official
Individuals above have been asked to agree to be an UCCMS Participant and abide by the Universal Code of Conduct and are subject to the process created by Sport Canada and the Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner.

If the situation involves someone in any capacity who may fall under the umbrella of this system, the complaint should go directly to the Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner through this portal:

All other situations
Sail Canada has appointed an Independent Third Party who any participant can contact to discuss incidents of maltreatment or misconduct of any kind.

Individuals who are experiencing, or are aware of, any forms of maltreatment or misconduct, including a breach of the Sail Canada Code of Conduct or any policy, should contact the Independent Third Party designated to support sailing in Canada, ITP Sport, who is available by using the online form or the toll-free 24/7/365 through or by dialing 1-866-921-6714.

If unsure who to reach out to please report to the Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner who will redirect if needed:

Reporting Portal:

More information about how to fill a complaint >


Sail Canada Safe Sport Policy Package includes overarching Definitions, Code of Conduct, Protection Policy, Whistle Blower Policy, Social Media Policy, and Screening Policy to prevent situations and Discipline & Complaints Policy, Appeals Policy, and Dispute Resolution Policy.

SAFE SPORT POLICY PACKAGE– (under Operational Policies) Includes: Definitions, Code of Conduct, Protection Policy, Screening Policy, Social Media Policy, Whistleblower Policy, Appeal Policy, Discipline and Complaints Policy and Dispute Resolution Policy


Universal Code of Conduct for the Prevention of Maltreatment in Sport (UCCMS)

Rule of Two (Coaching Association of Canada)

Resource Posters
Open & Observable Interactions (Rule of Two)
What is a Breach of the UCCMS?
Is it a UCCMS Complaint?
How to File a Complaint

There are two Safe Sport Training Modules that Sail Canada can accept:


Sail Canada is responsible for ensuring the safety of athletes and participants in the sailing community. In November 2022, Sail Canada passed a screening Policy which includes requirement for Criminal Records Check depending on your role as part of the effort to keep all participants safe.

Accepted forms and requirements for submitting to Sail Canada, assure you acquire the correct level of Criminal Record Check for your role:

  • Your local police station or preferred provider – Submit a scan or photo to
  • Sail Canada recognized provider Sterling Backcheck – when completed through Sterling Backcheck, the outcome can be directed to Sail Canada automatically.